At Wadestown School, we recognise the significance of Sports and Physical Education in offering students valuable learning opportunities and fostering social skills. We offer a variety of activities for all students year-round.
- Wadestown School Cross Country (Rose Street site – Years 3-8) – Term 2
- Wadestown School Cross Country (Weld Street site – Year 1- 2 ) – Term 2
- Wadestown School Competitive Swimming Sports (Years 4 – 8) – Term 2
- Wadestown School Athletic Sports (Years 3 – 8) – Term 4
- Wadestown School Athletic Sports Day (Years 1 – 2) – Term 1
- From our School Events the Year 4 – 8 students can qualify to represent Wadestown School against the schools in our Western Zone Cluster, Wellington and the Greater Wellington Region.
- Year 3 students take part in a Western Zone Festival in Term 4.
Throughout the year there are opportunities for students from Years 5-8 to participate in ‘Have-a-Go’ tournaments:
- Cricket
- Football
- Ki-o-Rahi
- Netball
- Miniball (Basketball)
- Hockey
Registrations are now open for Term 4. Click HERE to register.
- Touch is played in Terms 1 and 4
- Age Groups: – Years 3-4, Years 5-6 and Years 7- 8. (Team composition is either Mixed, Girls or Boys)
- Games: Wednesday afternoon for 30 minutes (4.00, 4.30, 5.00 or 5.30 pm)
- Venue: Wakefield park or Alex Moore.
- Registration: Information and registration forms made available through the school office in Terms 1 and 3.
Estimated fees for touch rugby are $30.00.
Notices will be included here in Term 4.
The Wadestown School Netball Club is run by parents and dedicated to helping all participants develop their skills in a fun and inclusive team sports environment.
- Senior Players (Years 5-8) All players are required to be registered with Wellington West Netball (WWN) to play for Wadestown School in the competition.
- Junior Players (Years 3-4) Players follow the FutureFERNS programme and play in the Wellington West Netball Competition on Saturday mornings located at Cardinal McKeefry School. Practices take place during the week on the Wadestown School courts.
- Junior Players (Years 1-2) participate in weekly lunchtime sessions with Year 8 coaches on Thursday lunchtimes, throughout Terms 2 and 3. A Fun Ferns Festival is held over two Saturdays in Term 3. There is currently no fee for the Year 1 and 2 players.
This club relies on the support of parents to oversee the organisation of junior and senior teams.
Registration information, playing dates and fees can be found here.
- Miniball and Basketball are played in Terms 2 and 3
- Games are played in three groups:
- Years 3-4; Years 5-6 are both Miniball, Years 7-8 play Basketball
- Games are played on Monday, Tuesday or Friday afternoons depending on the level at which the team plays.
- The inter-school league is played at Nairnville Recreation Centre, Corner Cockayne Road and Lucknow Terrace, Khandallah. Ph: 479-2022.
- Information and registration information is sent to families via the school office in Term 1.
- Parental support- each team needs a coach/manager. Parents also need to provide transport to the games.
Estimated fees for miniball are $46.00.
Estimated fees for basketball are $45.00.
A notice will be added in Term 2, 2025.
- The FAIRPLAY Guide for Wadestown School
Good sport is about a positive attitude
Play your part – play fair
To the best of my ability I, as a player, will:
- Play by the rules
- Never argue with an official
- Work hard to do my best at all times
- Commit to practices and turn up on time
- Be a good sport and recognise good players and good plays by all involved
- Learn to lose graciously, and to win with pride and grace