Wellbeing – Oranga

Wellbeing of students and staff

At Wadestown School we place importance on the wellbeing of all students and staff as we know that when our people are feeling ‘well’ they have better outcomes and experiences at school.  
Wellbeing has been a focus of our Strategic Plan since 2021 and each year we have worked to try and improve wellbeing outcomes for all. Using data to inform this work, we are continually looking at ways to refine and enhance everyone’s wellbeing at school. 
This is our second year in which a staff member has taken on leadership around this strategic area. Working within and across our Kāhui Ako, we are learning alongside our colleagues, through the approaches that they have taken.  

Supporting Students at School: 

Years 1 – 2 (Weld Street) – Friendships 

At Weld Street, students in Years 1 – 2 are learning how to be kind friends in the playground and to identify the different emotions they might be feeling when a situation occurs in the playground.

Resolving Issues through Peer Mediation and Leadership: Years 3 – 8 (Rose Street) 

In 2023, we introduced the ‘Cool Schools Peer Mediation’ programme to support our students in the playground. The Cool Schools programme was developed by the Peace Foundation.

Peer Mediation empowers young people to handle conflict constructively and resolve playground disagreements through mediation.

Year 7 student leaders are trained in the programme and go out on duty at lunchtimes to help mediate problems using a restorative practice approach. If a resolution can not be reached the mediators will seek teacher assistance.

For more information about the Cool Schools Peer Mediation programme click here.

Some useful resources 


In my heart a book about feeling- Written by Jo Witek

Hey Warrior- Written by Karen Young

Breathe like a bear- Written by Kira Willey


Hey sigmund –https://www.heysigmund.com

Peace Foundation- https://www.peacefoundation.org.nz

Blissful Kids- https://blissfulkids.com/