Wadestown School currently has 2 online lunch order providers.
Sushi Lunches is available on Wednesdays only. Go to www.ezlunch.co.nz and register. You can then select from a variety of flavours and 3 pack sizes, and your order can be one-off or ongoing. Please place your order before 9.00am for lunch on the same day.
Lunchonline provides a website through which you can order from Nada Bakery on Thursdays. Go to
Please ensure the classroom is correct for your child.
www.lunchonline.co.nz and follow the instructions. The deadline for ordering is 9am on the day of delivery. If you have any questions regarding the Thursday lunch orders please phone Lunchonline 0800 LOL LOL (0800 565 565).
If your child is sick then please contact the vendor directly if you wish to cancel the order. We are unable to do this at the school.