2024 Wadestown School PAT results
Commentary from the SLT
At Wadestown School students continue to achieve at a high standard with 89% to 96% of our Year 4 to Year 8 students achieving an average or higher stanine across all PATs. Reading Vocabulary is a particular strength of our students with 96% achieving an average or higher stanine.
Detailed analysis by teaching teams into students achieving a below or well below stanine, identify areas of need and next steps in learning for these students. Comparing data across teams highlights common areas of strengths and next steps in each of the curriculum areas of mathematics, reading, comprehension, reading vocabulary and punctuation and grammar. This data is also used to inform our teaching and learning programmes.
In 2023, we introduced the adaptive testing in Mathematics (Pāngarau) and Reading Vocabulary. We acknowledge the pros and cons of adaptive PAT testing in terms of providing comparative cohort data because students are sitting the assessments at the level of the curriculum that they are learning at. Although it makes it harder to provide an overall cohort analysis, it does highlight individual student areas of need and provides an assessment that is tailored to each child.
The Senior Leadership Team (SLT) discuss and analyse the PAT data and provide information to the Board based on these findings.
2024 Year 4 – Year 8 Mathematics
2024 Year 4 – Year 8 Reading Comprehension
2024 Year 4 – Year 8 Punctuation and Grammar
2024 Year 5 – Year 8 Reading Vocabulary
Note: Year 4 students do not sit this test.
2023 Wadestown School PAT results
The PAT results show that at Wadestown School, students achieve highly in all areas. A high percentage of students achieve at an average or above average level in Mathematics (94%), Punctuation & Grammar (93%), Reading Comprehension (88%) and Reading Vocabulary (94%). Compared to the national reference group, at Wadestown School, the average stanine for all PATs is higher.
The Reading Comprehension results this year is lower than last years of 97% We believe this is because 2023 is the first year that our Year 4 students have sat the PAT Reading Comprehension and also their first on-line assessment. Some of these students’ computer skills may have hindered their assessments.
Māori students
As there is only 14 Māori students in Year 4-8, we are not including stanine graphs on their PAT results. This is to protect the privacy of individuals. We note, however that a very high percentage of Māori students achieve at an average or higher level: Mathematics: 93%, Punctuation & Grammar 93%, Reading Comprehension 100%, Reading Vocabulary: 93%. Reading Comprehension would appear to be a strength of our Māori students with 100% achieving an average or higher stanine. The average stanine for all PATs is higher than that of the national reference group.
The graphs below, showing the stanines for each PAT, are taken from the school’s reports on the NZCER website.
2023 Year 4 – Year 8 – Pāngarau (Mathematics)
* Numbers in brackets provide statistics for all students in the national reference group.
** Percentages may not add up to 100 percent due to rounding.
2023 Year 4 – Year 8 – Reading Comprehension
2023 Year 4 – Year 8 – Reading Vocabulary
2023 Year 4 – Year 8 – Punctuation and Grammar
2022 Wadestown School PAT results
The PAT results show that at Wadestown School students achieve highly in all areas. The percentage of students who have achieved an average (4,5,6), above average (7,8) or outstanding stanine (9), is as follows: Mathematics (91%), Punctuation & Grammar (94%), Reading Comprehension (97%) and Reading Vocabulary (97%). Reading is an area of strength for our students.
Note: Year 4 students sit only the PAT Mathematics and Punctuation and Grammar. Instead of using the PAT Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary assessments the Y3/4 teachers use the Star Reading test as teachers believe it provides more diagnostic date appropriate to that level.
Māori Students
At Wadestown School our Māori students achieved highly in areas. This is shown by the percentage of students who achieved an average, above average or outstanding stanine: Mathematics (94%), Punctuation & Grammar (95%), Reading Comprehension (100%) and Reading Vocabulary (100%). Reading is an area of strength for our Māori students.
The graphs below, showing the stanines for each PAT, are taken from the school’s reports on the NZCER website.