School Organisation

This is the draft version of this page.

• All classes at the Weld Street site are identical in class level composition with new entrants beginning in any one of three classes. This organisation accommodates the large new entrant intake expected during each year.
• All classrooms at the Rose Street site are composites, meaning that more than one age group may be taught by the same teacher.
• The school has class size procedures, which give a guide to the preferred number of children in each room and gives direction in the way management allocates children to classes.
• A guide to class ages and classification of children (ages are the average class age at the start of year)

Year 1 5 Years old – first year at school
Year 2 6 Years old – second year at school
Year 3 7 Years old
Year 4 8 Years old
Year 5 9 Years old
Year 6 10 Years old
Year 7 11 Years old
Year 8 12 Years old

The Staff
Teaching staff are responsible for curriculum delivery, resource development and classroom administration. Teacher Aides are considered ‘paraprofessional’ in their roles in assisting teachers with the delivery of classroom programmes.

The school employs a caretaker/groundsman and cleaners who work at both sites.

The Principal
The Principal is the instructional leader and operational manager of the school. The Principal is supported by a Leadership Team of two Deputy Principals. Team Leaders also support the leadership structure within the school.

The Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees consists of the principal, members of the community elected by the parents of children at the school, and a staff trustee elected by the staff. The elected members serve for a period of three years. The Board is responsible for setting the strategic direction of the school and annual budgets, appointing permanent staff, and overseeing the school’s finances and operations.

The Ministry of Education
The Ministry of Education represents the government’s interests in the education system as a whole. It produces the guidelines and curriculum frameworks defining the educational outcomes required of schools by the government. The Ministry provides the buildings and government funding with which the school needs to operate.